As Ice Cube would say “It was a good day!” 💪 The real finale for the end of the year, a night to celebrate. I have signed a contract for two more years as the Chief Brand Officer and Producer of German company Jürgen Höller Academy. This encompasses the entire audio and video production, digital marketing, some merchandising segments etc. I have a great team made up of quality people that are real masters of their craft, most of whom are from Croatia.

Nothing was easy nor came overnight, behind each step there was a lot of work put in. The biggest turning point was when I decided to come out of my comfort zone and expand my work to fields other than music, using my knowledge that I’ve gathered over the years.

I’ve been listening to so many discouragements my whole life; that one can not make it internationally and that one should focus their efforts on the Balkans instead, together with countless others. I see these as a lack of ambition, courage and as an acceptance of mediocracy. It all comes down to your work and results, it does not matter where you are from. If you have
the knowledge, discipline and focus, nothing can stop you.

By the way, the D’Knock Production label continues with its work and a few new projects are in the making. Besides that, we continue our work with some world-famous music names, but more about that when the time comes.

Take your life in your own hand, because no one else will do it for you. 😉🥂🍾